Myths Anti Semitism

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The Myths of anti-Semitism: Were it all began The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history. Hated and despised for no logical reason. I wondered where all of this hatred originated from. I did some research and it dates all the way back to roman time when Jesus Christ was crucified. And people being as they are, had to find someone to blame, So they chose the Jewish because they already didn't approve of their beliefs. In ancient times Romans demanded that the Jews convert to Christianity. If they didnt, they were denied citizenship rights and protection under law. At the end of the fourth century, as the fight between Christianity and Judaism intensified, Jews were labeled with the vicious title of "Christ killers," because…show more content…
This came about when superstitious priest and an insane monk charged a local Jewish man with killing a Christian child in order to procure Christian blood for the preparation of matzo bread for a Jewish holiday. Ridiculous as it appeared, the "blood libel" found a lot of supporters among the well-educated as well as among the ignorant and superstitious masses who needed only a slight pretext to attack the Jews, a people declared "alien" long before. Christian mothers instructed their children about the dangers of straying too far from home, "Be good, or the Jews will get…show more content…
The rulings excluded Jews from all public places, prohibited Jews from giving evidence in lawsuits in which Christians took part, and forbade Jews from reading the bible in Hebrew. In 533, marriage between a Jew and a Christian was outlawed, as was the possibility of a Jew converting to Christianity. Laws forbade Jews from holding public office, employing Christian servants, or even appearing on the streets during Holy Week, the week between Jesus' "Last Supper" and his crucifixion. In 1215, the Fourth Lateran Council issued a decree whereby Jews were ordered to wear special clothes and markings to distinguish themselves from Christians. In addition, Jews were not permitted to attend universities. Between 1431-43, the Council of Basel decreed that Jews in cities must live in ghettos, physically separate from Christians. The Jews could not leave the ghettos except to pursue business interests with
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