Mystery Behind Antigone

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The Mystery behind ‘Antigone’ Every writer needs what some people call a “muse”. A muse is basically inspiration. Greek poets and writers, though, hardly showed or talked about what their inspirations were. Only seven of every 120 plays survived from 495 B.C. to 405 B.C. These works survive with no commentary from the author, surviving letters, biographies, or autobiographies. Antigone is no different, so there aren’t any concrete reasons why Sophocles would write it. But, there are some basic reasons why Sophocles could have written this play. 1. To inform and expose: Hubris—literally, excessive pride that causes people to think they know more than the gods—was one of Sophocles’ main concerns. He felt that he needed to warn the people and rulers of his time that they needed to…show more content…
Divine/Natural Law vs. Human Law If it hadn’t been for Creon’s law that no one could or should bury Polyneices, Antigone’s brother, there would have been no story for Antigone. This provided the theme of the contest between divine law and human law. Natural law states that there are standards for right and wrong that are more fundamental and universal than the laws of any particular society, or human law. Creon showed that he had no concern for divine law when he proved his inhumanity by declaring that Polyneices would receive no burial because he was a “traitor” of Thebes. Antigone, on the other hand, has what Creon lacks. She knew that she had to bury her brother, regardless of what every other person was telling her. She believed that divine laws were the laws people needs to follow. Antigone takes the long view of things, warning Creon “Nor could I think that a decree of yours-- / A man—could override the laws of Heaven/ Unwritten and unchanging”. The laws of the gods regulating the life of man “are eternal; no man saw their birth”. She fears “the gods’ tribunal” more than the judgment of Creon, though she knows disobeying him will cost her
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