My Life: My Significant Objects In Our Life

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My Significant Object All of us have certain objects that hold significance in our lives. We keep old books, old blankets, old trinkets that remind us of someone or something special to us. It may be a specific memory associated with the object, or it may be a lifetime of memories associated with a specific individual. This idea is built into our society. When we pass an important milestone in our lives, we are given a small trinket as a reminder. Often it is hard to part with these objects, not because of any value they hold but because of their sentimental value. We keep them near to us to remind us of things we don’t want to forget. I own a diamond so small that you have to look closely to distinguish it from its base. Surrounding…show more content…
I held it in my hands when I pray for a sense of protection as if I was holding my mom’s hand, my granny’s hand but the Lord’s hand as well. My necklace brought me strength and the harder I pressed my fingers against it, the more secure I felt. While the shape of the cross stayed the same, the shape of my life took off in many directions. I still wore my necklace, but always over my required gray uniform at the Case New Holland Warehouse. Grease and oil splattered onto the chain and occasionally onto the stone. I washed it clean, because I had a since of pride when I wore it didn’t just show my accomplishments, how I’m a hard worker, or a strong independent woman, it also showed my faith in my religion. I left work that night and walked in the cold air caressing my cross with a sense of connection, a feeling of closeness to the people of my faith. When I walk down the street my necklace isn’t a fashion statement or an accessory I choose to wear it because it holds a special purpose it shows my faith. My faith makes up me and my beliefs as a Christian. My necklace is my identity. I pulled it from underneath my shirt and placed it on the outside of my clothing, not caring if the diamond side faced

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