My Room Essay

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My Room There is something very dear and important to me. Although it may not seem like something very significant, it truly is. My room to me is extremely valuable plainly, because it is mine and it is the way I like it to be. There are so many of my possession that makes it mine and that make it unique and special to me. I would most certainly, not like it any other way. It’s a place I can completely be myself in, a place I can unwind, sit back and just relax: My room. The only space in the house I can call my own. It holds all my belongings, all my sentimental objects that hold dear memories. It holds things that get me going from day to day. It’s the only place in my house that is completely mine. There are visible signs of being a personal space. Sentimental objects are lying around as decoration, posters, pictures all sorts of things that will be cherished for years to come. As you enter my room, you see light teal walls. You can see and feel the sun shining through my window. My comforter is a silky metallic teal that is extremely thick, soft, and warm with many pillows that are the same tone as the comforter. My bed is a full sized bed where I take many naps and relaxing, sleep filled night that I love. My room has an entertainment system with 50” flat screen television, stereo, books, movies, video games, body sprays and much more. It has two large mirrors with a side table where I have my alarm clock and lamp on. On my entertainment system I have all the books I use that come in handy. I have my English dictionary and thesaurus and a few of my favorite books that I have read. As for my curtains in my room, there the same color as the comforter and are over the window as well as over my closet. On my other wall, are my awards such as my student of the month awards as well as my basketball awards. My favorite thing about my room is the

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