My Role Model

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My role model, When you have a role model it is someone you look up to or someone you hope to be like when you're older. For me, my role model is my mom. I chose her as my role model because she's forgiving, athletic, hardworking, and inspiring. My mom has raised me and always tried her hardest at everything she has never given up on anything, including me. My mom is my role model because no matter what happens she's always forgiving. She's not just forgiving towards me because I am her daughter / son, but she is forgiving towards everyone as well. On almost a daily bases, there is always something that I do that makes my mom angry or annoyed. Although by the end of the day, whether or not she actually has forgiven me, she has a positive attitude towards me convincing me that she has forgiven me. For example, my mom almost always tells me to: clean my room, do something to help her, or something else more complicated than that, but most of the time I will just ignore her request. This makes my mom angry that I am not following directions, but she will always just forgive me and forget about the matter. The way that my mom is so forgiving adds to her being my role model. As well as being forgiving, my mom is also extremely athletic which also makes her my role model. It's not just how she's an amazing athlete that inspires me, but it's also how she never gives up when she's doing sports. I have always loved sports and I wish I was as great a runner as her. My mom runs almost every day, no matter what's going on she will literally always find time to go out and run anywhere from 5 to 10 miles. With injuries, in all types of weather, any circumstances she will run her hardest. My mom being a great runner makes her my role model because she's able to keep going through pain and weakness. My mom is an outstanding athlete, which makes her my role model but
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