My Path To a College Degree

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Why My Degree Path Changed. I started taking college courses 10 years ago, at the time I was undecided with what I wanted to do. I knew that I wanted to be the person in charge though. I chose Business Management, because this most reflected with what I was doing in the Navy at the time. I took some classes and shortly I was only 2 classes away from receiving my Associates Degree, but things and priorities changed in my life. I got married to my beautiful wife Cyndi in December 2002 and we shortly had a child on the way. I also converted my job in the Navy to Navy Career Counselor. Because of these changes in my life I put off college and did not pick it back up again till this class. I have found that I really like working and helping people. Since becoming a Navy Counselor I felt that Human Resource Manager would make a good career path when I retire from the Navy in two years. Things I have Learned From This Class. All ready there are things I have learned from taking this class. I have learned that my style of learning is the kinesthetic style. Meaning I learn best by doing. If I want to learn something, the best way for me is to just get in there and do it. I believe people learn from their mistakes. Here is a good example for you; if you are putting together a jigsaw puzzle and you try a piece to see if it fits and it does not, then you have learned something from that mistake and you are using your hands, thus the kinesthetic style. I am really enjoying this class because, I have never given much thought to the way I learned something and this class has given me insight into myself. I now know what works best for me, which makes learning something new easier. The GEMS Survey. I found the GEMS survey very interesting. I don’t believe some of the results are accurate, like my Results Orientated Behavior (RSLT). I received a 4% and I
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