My Hobbies Essay

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My Three Favourite Hobbies Most of my day consists of rushing, assignments, and going to class. With all that, all my time is usually taken up. It is very hard to find time for myself. It can get very stressful with homework, the weather, and the lecturers. When I do get the chance to have some extra time, I have many other activities I enjoy doing. A few of my hobbies include sleeping, going to the movies, and listening to the music. Firstly, I enjoy sleeping every chance that I can get. When I am studying I try to make time during my breaks and lunch to get a few minutes of sleep. It helps me be alert and stay awake throughout the day. Also, any spare time that I might have I try to get some sleep, for example between classes, or between curriculum activities. It rarely happens, but I take advantages of it when it does come along. My favourite time to sleep would be at night, which is everyone’s favourite time to sleep is at night I would guess. Getting a good night sleep is important to me. If I do not get a good night sleep, I can pretty much count myself as dead the next day. Second, going to the movies gives me something to do. When I am bored, it always seems like a good idea to just head out and go watch a movie. I do rarely have time in my schedule to get bored, but it does happen sometimes. Each film has its own beauty, therefore, it’s really hard for me to pick one to be the movie that I like the most. I enjoy going to the movies and it puts me in better mood. To laugh, get scared, or even cry over something that does not have anything to do with my own personal life is a good feeling. For example, the movie Mirrors was an awesome movie about spirits being trapped in mirrors. I was scared during the movie, but I knew once it was over, that was not something I had be scared of in real life. My friends sometimes like to get

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