My Hero Vs. Woodburn: The Hero

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The Hero! My customer service hero is Jan at Wal-Mart in Woodburn. It was my youngest son’s first birthday and I made the mistake of going in last minute, two hours before the party, to pick out a cake. I had already been to the Wal-Mart in Salem and they had minimal options of cupcakes. So I chose to chance going into Woodburn without a cake and try the Wal-Mart there. The Wal-Mart in Woodburn also had very few options to choose from. I somehow managed to find one that would work for the occasion. I told Jan my situation and asked her if they were able to write on the cake for me. She asked me what I would like it to so and told me to give her ten minutes, she would have it taken care of. Thinking that ten minutes was a little long for just writing “Happy 1st Birthday Jaxon”, I agreed and told her that I…show more content…
When I returned it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Not only did it have what I requested, but she made it look like an underwater Sponge Bob paradise. She went above and beyond what she had to do. I was so amazed that I didn’t even realize she had spelled my son’s name wrong. It was an easy fix though and nothing in comparison to the great job she did on the cake. She even provided a “smash cake” for my son. It was great! It was certainly a very pleasant surprise and a lesson learned for next year. The Villain! My customer service villain is one of the cashiers at the Dollar Store on Lancaster. After recently moving back to the Salem area, I’ve been exploring my new surroundings. On a trip to the dollar store, searching for birthday decorations for my son’s first birthday, I walked in to a long line and one cashier. It’s a pretty

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