My Classroom Environment

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A classroom environment scaled for children “increases children’s interest and concentration, and it delays boredom. In a large space, children are encouraged through reading the environment to move about from one thing to another, whereas in small contained areas they are more focused” (Community Playthings, 6). My classroom is designed for up to ten children, ages 18 to 36 months. The room floor plan provides ample space for a lot of different types of activities with allowance for normally excluded areas such as doorways, built-in sinks, and windows. It includes areas for routines, such as meals/snacks, and nap/rest, as well as play spaces for activities with various materials, including books, music and sound making toys, fine motor toys, gross motor toys, blocks, and dramatic play materials. It is outfitted with basic furniture and equipment such as child-size chairs and tables. I would also have an easel, bookshelves, storages, and sinks, along with a changing table and rugs. According to Hilda Jackman, “The clearly arranged spaces and classroom design assist children in setting their own pace and making choices that will help them to be more self-directed, which in turn will improve their self-control” (52). This environment is a safe place for children to explore and make sense of their world. For children at this young age, the goal is to provide a social setting in the most inviting and nurturing manner. Over time, the children learn to play cooperatively with other students by sharing and interacting with their peers which can lay foundations for future relationships. Free play which goes on in the toddler class is an opportunity for children to create, discover, and experiment. When play is supported and allowed to emerge, the toddler begins to learn about a variety of concepts that lead inevitably to intellectual curiosity and
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