Unit 011 Essay

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Describe what is meant by a positive environment. Whatever age group or setting you are working with you must plan an environment that encourages the development of the whole child. Think about the different settings that children and young people may experience. These settings have both indoor and outdoor physical spaces that need to be considered. Settings for children and young people: • Children centres- children aged 0-5years. • Day care facility- children aged 0-5years. • A home setting- children aged 0-8years. • Extended care- children and young people aged 4-16years. • Youth/activity club- young people aged 11-16years. • A reception class/ks1 class in primary school. • Crèche- children up to the age of 5years. For a young child the environment is particularly important. For example, the size of the classroom and outdoor play areas, the colours of the walls, the type of furniture and flooring, the amount of light and the number of windows all influence how children learn. While it is important to create an attractive environment, everything should be safe, secure and have a purpose that supports each area of the children’s development. Physical space. The classroom should have clearly defined activity areas that have been arranged to promote independence, decision-making and encourage involvement. • Define activity areas by using shelves, area rugs, tables, or low dividers. The physical layout of the playroom will identify the purpose of each space and provide children with easily-marked boundaries. • Try to group quiet activities together in one area of the room (e.g., reading centre and circle area) while leaving the more active centres (like blocks and sensory) in another area. • Each play space should allow for two to three children to move about freely without bumping into each other or play materials. • More room may be

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