My Backyard Essay

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My backyard was like a jungle. A place where you could get lost in your imagination and time seemed to stand still. It was like a sanctuary where all of the neighborhood children could play and be free. My back yard was the one place where I could always be me. Running across the grass with my heart racing I couldn’t get my little legs to move fast enough. Finally standing at the edge of the yard the trees climbed up as high as the clouds and the branches stretched out like a pair of arms ushering you inside the imaginary gate. With the warmth of the sun beating against your back the shade inside looked welcoming. It was a much needed relief from the mid-summer heat and monotony of school vacation. As my feet hit the dirt on the narrow entrance path I can hear the excitement from inside. The screams of joy radiating from the neighborhood kids are drawing me in, pushing me to move faster but I have to be careful. The path is riddled with booby-traps. Just a few yards in there’s a huge boulder covered in moss, dirt, and the sweat of many children before me. As I claw and climb my way to the top I suddenly remember that I have to be careful on my way down the other side. Just after the decent of the boulder is a gigantic tree root that sticks up from the ground like an evil under lord trying to grab your foot and pull you down. Once you make it past the evil root the path looks clear but don’t be fooled. I slowly mosey my way down the dirt path looking for the tree with a heart carved in it. As I approach it I know to tread carefully for at the tree is quicksand. I don’t know if it’s true or not but neighborhood legend tells of a kid slowly sinking as his friends tried to pull him out. With my back pressed against the tree I cautiously tiptoe across the boards outlining its trunk. As sweat starts to drip down my face I can see it. I’ve finally made it to the opening!

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