“Mussolini’s Rise to Power Was Solely Due to His Personal Appeal”. to What Extent Do You Agree with This Statement?

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Benito Mussolini had a very important role in his rise to the power of Italy. There were some factors that made the people think in a change in the politic system, and this was taken by him to consolidate his arrival to power. On the one hand, Mussolini made several moves that helped him get closer to the mandate of Italy. He promised to the people of Italy a political stability. By that time the political situation was chaotic, after the Paris conference very little beneficial resolutions were made for Italy. The next five governments were ineffective and couldn’t solve economic problems which were making peoples life poorer. The promise made people start supporting him, and his ideals of anti-communism and trade union power helped him because by that time there were a lot of strikes from this people and they had a lot of opponents. The church, big businesses, middle classes, and army were some of the strongest sectors of the society that supported him. He was seen as an applicator of law and order, which was a very important issue in that moment where strikes and social and politic conflict occurred. Another important aspect of Mussolini’s political race was that he started creating the “Fasci di Combattimento”. It was a group of ex-soldiers who carry with the frustration of failing in the war. They made strikes in cities claiming for solutions in the political sector. They gain a lot of popularity and transformed this revolutionary group in a political party. For that moment they already had gained popularity so the political power that they had was a considerable one. A clear example of his power was when he marched through Rome with 50000 black shirts and was invited by Victor Emmanuel ll to form a coalition government. On the other hand, there were some other factors which weren’t responsibility of Mussolini that also helped him to reach Italian power. The
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