To What Extent Was Fascist Control of Italy 1925-1943 the Result of the Effective Use of Propaganda?

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To what extent was fascist control of Italy 1925-1943 the result of the effective use of propaganda? Mussolini used propaganda to expand his control over the Italian people. However, there are other factors to consider, including, Mussolini’s economic policies, his good relationship with the traditional elites and the use of repression. Firstly, Mussolini used The Cult of the Duce as propaganda to gain support, this method of propaganda was at its highest in 1930. Mussolini was often photographed with Lions to show his power and authority, this metaphor helped him to control the Italian population, as they believed that he was their fearless leader. Photographs with peasants were also common, this significantly helped him to gain control as after unification in 1870, Italy was economically backward therefore poverty was a large problem. By 1930 there were an estimated 30 million photos of Mussolini in circulation, showing the fascist regime relied on the extensive use of propaganda in order to further consolidate power and gain control in Italy. Mussolini also had to appeal to a wide variety of people consequently propaganda differed depending on social class. The middle class propaganda was aimed at anti-communist ideologies, while working class propaganda was aimed at anti-capitalism. Mussolini also used education as a form of propaganda; he ordered the textbooks to be rewritten to highlight fascist beliefs and made teachers swear an oath of loyalty to him and the king in 1929. The ONB set up in 1926 was the fascist youth movement and those attending school were encouraged to join. This shows Mussolini was able to control Italy by using The Cult of the Duce and different types of propaganda to enable him the support from all types of Italian society. Secondly, Mussolini’s economic policies between 1926 and 1928 and his foreign policy helped the fascists
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