Muslim Stereotypes In America

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When we first think of Muslims we think of bomb throwing, gun carrying, Taliban crazed murderers, unless you’re a politician then you say the second, more people-pleasing thing that comes to mind. Undeniably, the common belief in America is that all Arabs are Muslims, therefore all Muslims are terrorists, therefore women's rights get thrown out of the window, and thereby the Islamic religion is bad. Yet, Muslim culture and the Islamic religion have some extraordinarily, beautiful traits but are sadly overshadowed by all the negative. Stereotypes bombard us everyday but the most overlying stereotype is that Arabs are all the same, and it has been programmed into our nation’s youth. It’s like the prejudice our parents were raised to have…show more content…
If terrorism were a symbol it would be a dark skinned man clad in robes and a turban. Not only are we afraid of Muslims but we also have an exaggerated fear of Muslim-Americans. According to the FBI database only 6% of terrorist attacks in the United States are Muslim related. Granted, 9/11 was by far the worst terrorist attack America has ever faced. But, just because a few Muslim extremists committed a heinous crime the name Muslim has been forever tainted. Polls have shown that 93% of Muslims don’t support extremist views on terrorism and a rising number of Muslims have been actively speaking out against terrorism – something our media fails to mention. The thing is, we didn't really give Muslims a second thought until a select few deeply affected us. Now the reputation of all Muslims is forever negative because a few ill-minded people happened to be born…show more content…
Yet, just like terrorism only a select few carry out these blasphemous deeds against woman and because so affect the repute of the Muslim people. In truth, most Muslim communities give women the same rights as any American women, they can own property, divorce, manage household expenses and own businesses. As a matter of fact, there have been many female Muslim leaders, such as Benazir Bhutto former prime minister of Pakistan and the Bangladesh Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia. America has yet to have estrogen running the country. Also, it could be argued that while some Muslim villages have traditions where woman are held to a certain standard, in America we have a standard for our women to be impossibly beautiful. Which is

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