Multiple Sclerosis: Autoimmune Disease

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MS – Multiple Sclerosis Keri Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the lining of the nerves (myelin sheath) is attacked. My father, younger sister and maternal aunt have all been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I wanted to gain a better understanding as to the possible cause, whether or not it is hereditary and ways to cope with such a life changing disease. I have researched the history, symptoms, theories on possible causes, and ways of coping with multiple sclerosis and some of the past and present treatments. Multiple sclerosis was first defined as a disease in the 1860’s by Jean Martin Charcot (Burgess, 2010). The name multiple sclerosis comes from “sclerosed” or hardened plaques of scar tissue located…show more content…
These tests produce electrical potentials following sensory stimulation of a sensory pathway and viewed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (MaClean, 2009), Common symptoms of MS are: fatigue; sensory symptoms; including “pins and needles”; numbness or tingling; dysarthria – damage in the brain affecting articulation of speech due to muscle control, visual disturbances, weakness, and cognitive problems, including difficulties with recall, problem solving, planning concentration and word finding. An estimated 400,000 people in the United States have MS. MS was once thought of as a woman’s disease. Two to four times as many women as men – are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50 (Nauen,…show more content…
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