Multiculture Literature Essay

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Multicultural Literature Analysis Paper Ashley Hughes ENG/157 August 20, 2012 Linda Lawliss Literature is the art of written work. There are different types of literature. The major forms are novels, poems, dramas, short stories, or novellas. Literature can be divided, and it can be divided according to historical periods, political influences, and genres. Into these forms, there are different genres; epic, romances, tragedy, comedy, drama, etc. Whether it starts in the home or in a school atmosphere, people choose to read based upon what interest them. Some people read based upon a suggestion from a friend. A lot of people are required to read stories based upon instructors given assignment. We may even choose to read books by judging the book by its cover. Judging a book by its cover doesn’t necessarily work when speaking figuratively, but when it comes to a story it may or may not amount to a good read. There is a form of literature that separated its form from many, and that is multicultural literature. The concept multiculturalism is actually controversial, and when it comes to education, there are some who claim multiculturalism is necessary, while others may claim that it goes against national values and unity. The importance of multicultural education and multicultural literature is to increase cultural awareness. Literature becomes multicultural when it is culturally diverse. In a story or piece of literature such as “Good Girls Are Bad News” by Subhadra Sen Gupta, “The Day They Burned the Books,” by Jean Rhys, or “Jewish Christmas” by Faye Moskowitz, they have to have quality. The story should portray the history, customs, values, and language of a particular cultural group. In today’s society multicultural education and multicultural literature should be required worldwide, in every

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