Mu 2.9 Understand Partnership Working In Services

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MU 2.9 understand partnership working in services for children and young people Explain why working in partnership with others is important for children and young people. It is important to work in partnership with others because all agencies can share information and concerns to create a holistic view about children and young people in their care when any need arises, to help to keep the children safe from harm and promote their welfare, to diagnose a special need quickly in children and get the help that is needed to the child/family as soon as possible without confusing the child or their families. And as a pre-school setting it is good to know that you are not on your own if any concerns should arise about a child in the setting and that specialist help is available to all the children and young people if required. Identify who relevant partners would be in your own work setting In are pre-school setting the relevant partners are as follows Child and adolescent mental health services (camhs) Health visitors GPs and GP nurses Social Services and or social worker Police Educational psychologist Teachers Early years worker Speech and language therapist Birth to five Ofsted Parents Special educational needs coordinator (S.e.n.c.o) Define the characteristics of effective partnership working A partnership can be formed between a number of organisations, agencies or individuals with a shared interest. Most partnerships have a common reason for working together. They are often formed to target specific short- or long term issues. The characteristics of effective partnership working are as follows, Involve agencies working together for mutual benefit Have an aim that is agreed and understood by all the partners Put the child and their family at the centre of the partnership Have clear, effective leadership Identify
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