Mu 2.4 Essay

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MU 2.4 Contribute to children and young people’s health and safety. Task 1 As a new member of staff my manger has asked me to become familiar with the health and safety policy and procedures with ensuring to implement in my daily routine. 1.1 As a member of staff at Langford primary school, we all have to follow the laws and standards set by the Health and Safety Act 1974. By taking reasonable care of our own health and safety and any other persons who may be affected by our acts or omissions at work, as regards any duty or requirements imposed on our employer or any other persons by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, co-operate to ensure all health and safety regulations, rules routines and procedures are being applied effectively by both staff and pupils. To check that all machinery and equipment is adequately guarded and in good and safe working order prior to being operated and not to make unauthorised or improper use of machinery, equipment and substances. Making sure the correct use of equipment and tools for the job and any protective equipment or safety devices which may be supplied. All toxic, hazardous and highly flammable substances are correctly used, stored and labelled. Report any defect in the premises equipment and facilities which we observe, taking an active interest in promoting health and safety and suggest ways of reducing risks. All accidents should be reported to the person in charge and dealt with immediately by the designated first aider, ensuring personal protective is worn. Any hazards should be reported to the head, the bursar or site manager. No running in the hall, corridors or on staircases and all children are permitted to walk on the left hand side of stairs. Children are regularly informed and kept up to date with fire expectations and there is a separate Fire Safety Policy available. Total ban of smoking
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