The Most Influencial Branch is the Judicial Branch

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The other branches may doubt us, but it is apparent that the Judicial Branch is the most influential. Our powers may be slim, however; what powers the Judicial Branch does contain are crucial to the government and influence major authority. The Supreme Court includes nine justices; they are nominated by the president and confirmed with the advice and consent of the Senate. Although the main strength is that the nine justices are appointed to serve for life. Essentially the justices and judges are permitted to make any decision on court cases without any major consequence. For example, in the Brown vs. Board of Education case in 1954, the Supreme Court overturned the rulings from the Plessy vs. Ferguson case in 1896 by declaring that state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities. At the time, this decision was not accepted and without the privilege of being elected for life, many of the justices would have been fired for their rulings. The Judicial Branch is as well entitled to the Judicial Review. Judicial Review is the power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a governmental action. In easier terms, this advantage gives the Judicial Branch the opportunity to prove ANY law unconstitutional, and choose which laws can pass or fail. Just recently in 1998, the Supreme Courts determined that the line-item veto is unconstitutional, ruling that Congress did not have the authority to hand power to the president. This checked the Executive power and left the former president, Clinton, knowing that once a bill becomes a law, his sole power is to carry it out. One of the main benefits to the Judicial Branch is the power to interpret laws. The Supreme Court is able to make judgments based on the constitution. In 1898, in the Holden versus Hardy case, a minder was forced to work

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