Moral Obligation to Our Parents

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MORAL OBLIGATION 1 MORAL OBLIGATION TO OUR PARENTS ADM 1220 Mind and Machine By Alesia Smith Professor Thomkins May 17, 2012 MORALOBLIGATIONTO OUR PARENTS: 2 MORAL OBLIGATION TO OUR PARENTS Everyone has a moral obligation or duty to our parents when they get older to honor their wishes when they become terminally ill. Duty: An act . . . required of one by position, social custom law, or religion. (Susan Wolf 2008: American Heritage Dictionary) I would see that my parents or parent got the best possible care, since I do not believe that physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia would be the answer. I believe that any kind of suicide is a sin. Being able to take care of them in their last days would be giving back to them for all they had done for me. It would be an honor for me to do everything in my power to make sure that my parents’ wishes were honored and were comfortable during what little time they had with me.” Deontology, then, focuses on the duties and obligations one has in carrying out those actions (rather than on the consequences of those actions)”. I would try and do all that was required to find out what the big picture is and what would be the best way to proceed with their care that physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia We did not have to struggle with the same things that Susan did with her father as mind was in a coma. Hers was alert and knew that she was there for him in every way I would have gave anything for my dad to been in that MORAL OBLICATION: 3 MORAL OBLIGATION TO OUR PARENTS shape. The fact that she was trying to get physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia made a law did not make a difference did not make a difference in the treatment for her father. She went against her own beliefs to please her

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