Moral Development Essay

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Moral development is the moral reasoning of a human being. Kohlberg came up with a theory of moral development based off of Jean Piaget’s work that was described a two-staged process but Kohlberg’s consist of six stages within three different levels. Kohlberg’s theory was based off the research with groups of children. Level 1 of the theory is Pre-conventional the concrete interest of the individual are considered in terms of rewards and punishment. (Feldman 2011 pg 321). Level 2 Conventional people approach moral problems as members of society. They are interested in pleasing others by acting as good members of society. ( Feldman 2011 pg 321). Level 3 Post-conventional people use moral principles that are seen as broader than those of particular society. (Feldman 2011 pg 321) Pre-conventional morality has stage 1 that is obedience and punishment, stage 2 is individualism. Conventional morality consist of stage 3 interpersonal relationships and stage 4 maintaining social order. Post conventional morality has stage 5 social contract and individual rights and stage 6 universal principles. How does plagiarism part of moral development? First we have to understand what plagiarism is. Plagiarism is using someone else’s words, phrase, quotes, or research without giving them the credit for it. When it comes to plagiarism Kohlberg’s theory puts that moral development into the pre-conventional level stage two. In the stage individuals are only interested in getting what their needs which is getting good grades or to gain some type of recognition. Plagiarism can be intentional and unintentional. Intentional Plagiarism happens when an individual knows he is passing someone else's work or ideas as their own. Also another form is buying a pre-written off the in through the internet. Unintentional Plagiarism happens when an individual uses another writers and
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