Ethical Essay Writing Services

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Essay Writing Services College life is every demanding; in fact most college students drop out as early as the second semester. Many students have turned to essay writing services to help ease their academic workload. These writing services have raised many ethical and academic integrity issues since their start. Many feel that there is nothing wrong with using an essay writing service. In fact, some believe that this service allows them to delegate part of their work so they can focus on what really matters to them; their major. Others believe the use of these services is plagiarism and therefore unethical. They also feel that students who use the services are in violation of the academy integrity policies of the college. Students using these services and turning in papers that they have not written are committing plagiarism (Ruggiero, 2012). In order to answer the question of whether the essay writing services are ethical or not, we can use different ethical theories to reach a conclusion. Deontological Ethics…show more content…
Duty theories state that an action is morally right if it is in accord with some list of duties and obligations, such as a school’s academic integrity policy. (DeVry Lecture). A student has the duty of following their academic code of integrity when turning in assessments; turning in someone else’s work would be a direct violation of this policy. Therefore, if we use deontological ethics to answer the question of whether using an essay writing service is unethical, the answer would be yes, it is unethical to use such a service because you are in violation of your duties to you school. However, applying a different ethical theory may result in a different

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