Monroe Doctrine Essay

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The Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine was first brought to attention from a speech by President James Monroe on December 2, 1823. The ideas of the speech originated in much earlier thinking, such as the "Farewell Address" of George Washington, in which he warned America against close political association with European states, and in the first inaugural address of Thomas Jefferson. The circumstances leading to the formulation of the Monroe Doctrine stemmed from efforts by European powers to control former Spanish colonies in Mexico, and Central and South America. The primary purpose behind the Monroe Doctrine, declared that European countries were not allowed to colonize land anywhere located on the western hemisphere. If they did, the Americas would take it as a threat and defend against the Europeans. They also weren't allowed to colonize any land under foreign control. The doctrine served as a warning towards the Europeans to end further colonization in the western hemisphere and to stay out of Latin America. Unfortunately the Europeans took this Doctrine as a laughable matter and thought that the US wouldn't be strong or powerful enough to actually enforce this. The Europeans were doubtful because of all the failed attempts the US has made during the War of 1812. Latin America was also doubtful and ignored the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine addresses American concerns for peace and safeties by implying that if the European colonies begin to settle in the western hemisphere that the threat of European control will be accessible and possible. Also the Doctrine stresses that if the European countries ignore the orders of the Doctrine, America will take action which also implies that the peace and safety of America is at risk. The Monroe Doctrine continued the policy of neutrality established by President Washington by reassuring the

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