money isn't everything

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Money Isn’t Everything.

For some people, money is everything. But not everybody thinks that way. This statement is difficult to contradict since we live in such a materialistic society where the common belief is that he, who makes the most money, has the most power and dignity. Often, however, he who makes the most money has the most stress and the least free time. According to Brandey Chewning Smith in his book entitled Power is Money, “if money is power, then shouldn't the converse idea power is money also hold a true meaning? When there is big money then the outlook for the future is bright”. “But money is also a hugely emotional, psychological and symbolic entity in our lives; we each bring our own meanings, emotions and experiences to our relationship with it," says psychotherapist Kate Levinson, Ph.D. Let's talk about money. It is not numbers, but feelings. Because the way we feel about money shapes and tells more about us than we realise. Usually money is seen in black-and-white terms meaning that we have enough of it or we don't. We can call Ringgit, Dollar, Rupiah or any other names but the purpose of money is still the same, to live. But, can money guarantee everything in our life?
Undeniable, in this modern and sophisticated world, we always look up at wealthy people like Bill Gates and Al-Bukhary. But we must bear in mind that money is not the key to happiness. Parents for example, cannot replace their love and time by giving their offspring money and credit cards. Parents indulge their children with material gifts as a way of demonstrating or compensating for affection. When these kids become adults, they will feel unloved unless they are being given something. Children need guidance and protection which money cannot buy. “Money affects career and relationship choices, and shows up in issues of control, safety, self esteem and well-being”, says
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