Wang Lung The Good Earth Quotes

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In the novel, The Good Earth, Pearl S Buck portrays that as Wang Lung’s wealth increases he becomes more enslaved rather than free. To be free is more of a fantasy than a reality for almost everyone in the world, and this is also true for Wang Lung. He is able to do more than he ever could and buy what he pleases, but that doesn’t necessarily make him free. As he begins to get more money, he is faced with decisions and obstacles that make him a more enslaved man. As people come into riches and their wealth increases, they are only further enslaved. When Wang Lung comes into riches, many unwanted guests wind up staying at his house. For example, Wang Lung’s uncle, his uncle’s wife, and his cousin invited themselves into his home. Having the extended family stay with them made life much harder as they would get less food, and the guests occupied everyone’s time with all of their requests and demands. This made Wang Lung more enslaved because he had to tend to their every need. It was more mouths to feed other than the eight they had themselves. His cluttered house symbolizes that he has a cluttered mind. Towards the end of the novel, Wang Lung’s cousin brought several army…show more content…
His job was to be a farmer, and as he became richer he was occupied with things that would distract him from this. His soul purpose in life was to work the fields and as he became more enslaved he was dragged away from doing what he was born to do. This set a bad example for Wang Lung’s children, and it made his father disappointed in him. Wang Lung regularly visited the temple ofthe gods, and this stopped after he came upon money. Praying before the gods was something he loved to do and this activity came to a stop. He was taken away from the gods because he became so busy. This demonstrates that Wang Lung became more enslaved. Being deprived of doing the things he loved was a negative side effect of becoming
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