Modern Day Wonder Woman: Why America Should Embrace Femininity

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Modern Day Wonder Woman: Why America Should Embrace Femininity William Moulton Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman, said, “Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman” (BrainyQuote). Marston, a psychologist, feminist theorist, and inventor, embraced femininity, yet he enjoyed strong women, and he became a champion for women’s rights. He considered his wife, on whom he based Wonder Woman, to be a model of the unconventional, liberated woman of his time. Even though Marston died almost 70 years ago, much of what he saw happening with women is still going on today. American society looks at femininity as a weakness, and because of this many women try to deny their feminine tendencies. Some feminists are pushing for parents to treat girls exactly the same as they do boys, with the goal of eradicating femininity. Not only is this impossible, it would be detrimental to our society. Femininity, which is both a product of biology and a social construct, should be valued more by American society. As a woman, and especially as a mother, in America today, I have experienced several of the effects of society’s negative view of femininity. Sometimes people assume that, because I am slender, I must be physically weak. I work hard to keep physically fit, so I am actually very strong. I have been scorned by many people for putting off starting my career in order to stay home and raise my children. Ironically, it is women more than men who look down on me. I have observed women dress and act like men in order to attain a higher position. Many people have assumed that since I, outwardly at least, have lived my life in a traditionally feminine capacity, that I am ignorant or lazy. A woman in a doctor’s office once
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