Models Of Interaction Between Science And Religion

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Models of Interaction between Science and Religion Ajaye Franklin Excelsior College Premise: What are the relative merits of the various models of interaction between science and religion? Consider this question both from a descriptive standpoint (which model best describes the way in which science and religion currently relate to each other) and normatively (how science and religion should relate to each other). In review of Chapters 7-10 in the text, (McGrath,2010), it is important to note that the author identifies that one of the most interesting issues in science and religion concerns the nature of “proofs” of theories, and goes on to say that she had personally been encouraged to think that science proved it’s findings with total conviction. Later she writes that in relation to the question of evidence, science and religion are often placed at opposite ends of the scale. This is simply the result of the contrasting of evidence between hypothesis based on science and religion. She quotes Richard Dawkins, who argued that science proves by an appeal to evidence, where religion runs away from the evidence. This is all based centrally on what the author calls “the outmoded or outdated” Warfare model. Inferring that these types of evidence based models change their positions, and are superseded like simple clothing fashions of the season. Science and Religion very sparingly share like outcomes when they are attempting to verify the positions of the other. The mere existence of God, a divine being, gives light to a debate that has at periods in time been the root cause of dramatic and deep reaching separation between science’s purist and religious teachers. In the text we read that the emphasis on the provisionality of scientific theories severely undermines the “also outdated” positivism that often accompanies the Warfare model of the relation of science

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