Misconceptions: What Is Hypnosis?

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What Is Hypnosis? The general public have many misconceptions about hypnosis and are often unaware of the therapeutic benefits when delivered in a clinical environment. Most of these misconceptions have come through Stage Hypnosis or TV shows where a ‘mentalist’ seems to be able to influence or control a person’s thoughts and actions through Hypnotic suggestion. This leads people to believe their mind is being controlled by the Hypnotist and they have no control over their actions. This essay will attempt to dispel the fears and myths that surround hypnosis. A brief history of hypnosis will be followed by an explanation of the physical and psychological effects of hypnosis along with the role that relaxation has to play. The roots…show more content…
Others may just feel very relaxed but not much different to their pre-hypnotic state, both of these vastly different responses can still lead to a positive outcome or change that is being pinpointed to take place. From a psychological perspective it would seem that a strong belief in the positive outcome of a therapeutic session of hypnosis will greatly enhance that outcome. However, it could be argued that a negative mind set could have the opposite…show more content…
It could be suggested that hypnosis is a relaxed state of consciousness brought about from a varied set of skilled techniques, imparted by a therapist that allow the subject to enhance their concentration and increase responsiveness to suggestibility, in order to make the psychological or physiological changes to their thought patterns or actions for a positive outcome. From a psychological perspective it has been shown that positive feelings and thoughts arouse the left hemisphere of the brain. These thoughts activate the parasympathetic system leading to deeper calmer breathing; the heartbeat slows, blood vessels dilate, circulation improves, the skin warms. The energy that is released is used to recover from physical exertion or the repairing of
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