mind over heart

500 Words2 Pages
Some might say that it is the heart that you should follow to get what you want for it is the passion and the desire to attain that drives an individual to aim and get what he or she wants but I for one believe that doing things simply because of your desires or as they say the calling of the heart is a sign of being rash or simply being irresponsible because doing without thinking will simply result to problems and hardships later on as consequence. I for one believe that there is no such thing as the call of the heart or the desire of the heart because what the heart feels is because of what the mind thinks within it for example one cannot feel the fear in their hearts if the mind does not process or think of it as something scary and a source of fear. It is better to think before you decide on doing what you felt like because everything you do has its own corresponding consequence that may put harm not only to yourself but also to the people around you. Scientifically speaking, the heart only acts upon the commands of the Central Nervous System mainly the brain. The beating of the heart for ones is being monitored and ordered upon by a part of the brain which is known as the Medulla Oblongata which commands the heart to pump and continue the circulation of blood by pumping blood throughout the heart and body. The mind of a person is the one that stabilizes the internal environment of oneself and monitor the actions performed by the person by sending a response to the stimuli sent upon it for any difference in the stability of the inner environment and for any sudden changes within the external environment. In another case one cannot easily forgive ones wrong doing against them if the brain or mind does not forget it thus proving that the mind has a certain form of control over the heart and if the mind experience a sudden change of opinion or thought towards a
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