Mhc Case Study

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MHC Case Study BUS680: Training and Development Dr. Katie Thiry March 24, 2014 MHC Case Study MHC’s Marketing Position Strategy MHC is moving in the right direction as it pertains to creating a sound strategy which will bring about profit and value to the company. Understanding that the company is consistently losing money was the first step to realizing that the company needed a new strategy in place. The company understood that the technology needed to be upgraded and were able to put a process in place that would enable it be competitive and marketable. Lastly, the institution looked to improve its efficiencies in basic health care and outpatient services. “The second prong of the strategy was directed toward the hospitals and was focused on improving efficiencies in basic health care and outpatient services” (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013, p. 51). The External Environment of MHC and how the Strategy Aligns The external environment of MHC operates in accordance with the governmental regulations and insurance required procedures. The government was pressuring health care institutions to reduce their fees. “The federal and state governments were putting increasing pressure on health care institutions to reduce costs” (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013, p. 51). Many of the patients that were receiving treatment at MHC were doing so as an outpatient; which meant beds were going unused. The hospital was consistently losing money, as it was a competitive market. However, by acquiring the new technology and then turning around and selling it to other health care providers, it would really help the institution financially. MHC Primary Business Structure MHC’s primary business structure falls into the division of labor alignment. The division of labor structure demonstrates how the work is divided and organized within the organization. The MHC

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