Mgt600 Unit 2 Business Research

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Running Head: BIASES AND JUDGEMENT Unit 2 Individual Project Instructor: Dale Mancini MGT600-1204D-02 Business Research for Decision Making October 23, 2012 Stephanie Frank Abstract Now that the topic has been explained and explored a little, it is time to take the next step. Theoretical framework will represent the belief of how certain concepts can relate to one another and is the model of why these concepts are somehow associated with one another. This study will require the creation of a research design that will support the chosen hypotheses. It shall include the methods of which data is collected, the study setting, and a timeline. It will also explore the ethical issues that could cause concerns. Hypothesis: Is collaborative technology in virtual business teams a facilitator of corporate globalization?…show more content…
That process includes an introduction to the model concepts and variables, the model developmental strategies to be represented, and a clear explanation of the relationships between each concept and variable (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). The model will consist of variables, which is anything creating a varying value or differentially. As mentioned in the previous assignment, the dependent variables include communication, time management, efficient management, and teamwork. The moderating variables will be focused on the body of managing expertise in the business. All variables are connected to one another while the virtual team members are communicating. Communication between the variables allow for the assistance of direct growth of the business since production will be enhanced and less time wasted. Time management is also increased and capitalized
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