Mgt/307 Final Exam (2 Sets)

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MGT 307 FINAL EXAM ANSWERED 2 SETS 1) __________ is a multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics. A. workgroup analysis. B. motivation. C. organizational behavior. D. performance management. 2) Scientific methods models link _________________ - presumed causes, with _________________ - outcomes, of practical value and interest. A. discovered variables, with undisclosed variables. B. specific variables, contingency variables. C. independent variables, dependent variables. D. proven variables, non-proven variables. 3) Organizational behavior goals include all of the following EXCEPT: A. improve the level of organizational profits. B. improve the performance of organizations. C. improve the performance of people. D. improve the quality of overall work life. 4) Which of the following statements about the management of organizational culture is NOT correct? A. dictate rules from the top of the organization. B. corporate culture can be managed by directly modifying the observable culture, shared values, and common assumptions that deal with issues of external adaptation. C. good managers are able to help build resilient cultures in situations where the features of strong cultures are absent. D. corporate culture can be managed by using organizational development techniques to modify specific elements of the culture that address both external adaptation and internal integration. 5) The __________ culture includes the unique stories, ceremonies, and corporate rituals that make up the history of the firm or a group within it. A. observable B. shared C. latent D. common 6) Organizations are encouraged to develop a dominant and coherent set of __________. Although every member may not agree with them, all members will know they are important. A.
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