Corporate Governance at Paramount Insurance Company

3580 Words15 Pages
Title: Corporate Governance at Paramount Insurance Company Assignment Topic: Option 1 Conduct a review of the governance of your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) in the form of a report to the Chairman (or President) of the Governing Board of Directors. In the brief report use the concepts, tools and techniques learned in this subject to review the structure, process and effectiveness of the governance of the organisation and make recommendations for appropriate improvements. Whichever option you choose the report should include: a) An outline of, a brief discussion of the importance of, the bases or criteria for the review of the organisation’s governance (e.g., refer to which standards or guiding principles are relevant for the review) and why you need to use them. b) A brief critical review of the organisation’s governance applying the relevant concepts, principles, standards or other tools and techniques learnt during this subject, in accordance with your discussion in (a) c) A list of recommendations for suggested improvement based on your review Word count (from the start of the Introduction to the end of the Conclusion section): 2577 words Executive summary This report sets out to review corporate governance at a private company, namely, Paramount Insurance Company. The specific objectives were to identify the relevant codes the organisation follows, why they are important and review the structure, process and effectiveness of the governance of the organisation. Throughout the report, it was evident that Paramount although a successful multinational organisation there were some governance issues that can and should be improved for the best interest of the company and its policyholders. Finally, several recommendations for improvement of the organisation’s governance were delineated. Table of contents 1

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