Men of Iron

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Men of Iron Not every young man has the opportunity to become a knight. Myles has gone through many torturous years to become the knight that he is today. In Men of Iron, by Howard Pyle, Myles Falworth’s boldness, tempered by his religious character and his principles of right and wrong, enables him to save his father’s life and honor. Myles has gone through many torturous years to become the knight that he is today. A prominent feature of Myles’ character is his boldness. Myles, unlike other boys, boldly fought Sir James for what he thought was right. Myles also defended his father at the risk of his own life. Although it might sometimes get him into trouble, his boldness is big part of his character. Myles’ actions also illustrate his religious character and trust in God. When Myles was fighting, he was knock-ed to the ground and was unable to get up due to his armor. Myles grabbed his shield and placed it over his head and prayed. Afterwards, he went to his father and they thanked God that he was alive. Through these experiences, Myles realized how much he relied on God. In adition to his other traits, Myles Falworth also demonstrates his strong personal principles of right and wrong. Myles and his best friend, Gascoyne, were very tempted to trespass on someone’s private propery, where they were not alowed to go. However, Myles, knowing it was wrong decided not to do so despite their great temptation. Another time when he was fighting he knocked the other person down three times he stopped because he knew it would be wrong. In Men of Iron, Myles’ boldness, religious character, and sense of right and wrong, aide him as he strives to regain his Father’s reputation. Myles learns that he cannot achieve anything without the help of God. His sense of right and wrong and his boldness also helped him along his journey. This is a wonderful book
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