Media's Influence On Eating Disorders

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Seeing nearly naked people, impossibly perfect looking people, and pregnant teens all over the media subconsciously brainwashes people to think the way the media wants them to. The media is influencing us too much, we follow whatever the "trend" is and we don't think for ourselves. Casual naked people dancing around, thin and built models, and teen pregnancy is subconsciously affecting us to think all of this is okay. Seeing almost naked people casually dancing in music videos and commercials will give people the wrong idea. If you see casual almost naked people all over the media some children, teens and easily influenced adults will think that it is socially acceptable to wear revealing clothing. Teens also may think that it is considered…show more content…
These overly thin girls and overly built guys gives people the impression that we should all look like them. Feeling the pressure to look this certain way results in eating disorders and over exercising which can lead to illness and even to the extreme death. Having these thin attractive people in magazines and on television makes people feel bad about the way that they look which can lead to stress and anxiety. Many teens will ask their friends "Do I look good today?", "Do I look fat?", and "Do I look horrible?" This is normally because they do not feel good about how they look that day, which is because of pressure from the media to look perfect. The pictures and images we are supposed to look like which are shown in the eyes of the media are thin, big chested women and attractive built men. Most of these images are digitally altered. Having these pictures digitally enhanced shows people that we should look like this, but it gives us a false sense of hope since even the people in the images do not look like that. We are supposed to look perfect but what is perfect when what we say is perfect is actually fake? In conclusion seeing these thin girls and overly built guys makes society feel bad about ourselves because the media is telling us that we should look this way when it is completely impossible since…show more content…
With shows and movies like Juno, The Secret Life of an American Teenager shows that being pregnant at a young age is no big deal and even cool. In these things they do make it clear that it is stressful but they don't really address why, they don't show you that it would be extremely difficult to raise a child and they don't make it clear that your whole life would actually be ruined. With celebrity teens getting pregnant it shows that it must be cool to get pregnant at a young age therefore it must be cool to have sex at a young age since all these teen icons are doing it. When in reality we should be looking down on these "teen icons" rather than looking up at them. They have made bad decisions in their life and they are getting publicity out of it. Is this really the type of thing that you want your child to be looking up at? Seeing these popular movies, television and teen icons influences us to think that it is cool to be pregnant at a young age. The media is influencing us too much, we follow whatever the "trend" is and we don't think for ourselves. Casual naked people dancing around, thin and built models, and teen pregnancy is subconsciously affecting us to think all of this is okay. Therefore in conclusion the media is influencing us to think that all of these things; provocative images, overly thin female models, extremely built male models, and teen pregnancy
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