Media On Tv Is A Negative Influence In Society

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I strongly believe that media on T.V has a negative impact on young children/teenagers. Everyday, we are bombarded with countless images and messages on our televisions and in public advertisements. We follow them, take-in every last syllable of whatever the media throws at us. Think about the most common shows of our generation: Gossip Girl, The Hills/City, True Blood, Family Guy etc. These are called ‘shame shows’, shows that give us what we want, but what they give us is so shameful that we wouldn’t even admit we love them to other people. So why do we watch these shows? Is it because we find these shows relatable, characters around our age going through similar situations? Situations involving juicy gossip, drama, beautiful people falling into tough situations. Violence on T.V is a major factor that influences most children. The saying: “Monkey see, monkey do” has become a well-known saying around the world, but is it true? Violent programs and images on television, also in the movies, have motivated people to set their children on fire, do dangerous stunts, murder, steal, rape, and a lot of other stuff. It’s proven that media violence can have harmful affects on children. It increases their aggressiveness and behavior; moreover, it makes them want to see more violence in T.V and in real life. Young children cannot tell the difference between truth and fantasy, they think that whatever is shown on T.V has to be real. Nowadays, children think of violence as a way to get around their problems-imitating television. If T.V shows that violence is ‘’cool’’, then it has to be cool, at least according to them. Whenever a cartoon character is hurt really badly and some times even killed, they return back the next day absolutely fine. Yes, sometimes the violence portrayed is in fact real. However, young children get the message in their heads that everything is all

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