Technology and Its Adverse Effect on Children

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Remember the days of going outside in the summer and playing cops and robbers? Or being outside until dark and you had to go in only to get up bright and early the next morning and do it all over again? Children in this new day and age are spoiled by the “luxuries” of new technology but it has many negative effects on them as they grow up. Research suggests that technology has a negative impact on children, because it causes them to grow up much faster, it has caused them to want instant gratification, and it causes them to lose their imagination. First, Violence portrayed in video games and on television also contains sexually suggestive programs. These things are inappropriate for children. Even the cartoons now have things that are inappropriate for children, whether it’s language, violence or sexual innuendos. All these things subject children to content that is way above them at much too young an age. Cynthia Wagner states that, “The violent content of those games, particularly those favored by males, is of growing concern to families, schools, and policy makers. Gaming is participatory while television viewing is passive, so the risk may be greater that exposure to violent games will result in violent behavior.”(Wagner, 2004).With video gaming on the rise now, “Video games are in 80% of U.S. homes with children; they generated $6 billion in 2000 and $11 billion by 2003. All indications are that the industry will continue to grow at a healthy clip," says Professor Bradley Greenberg of Michigan State University. (As cited in Wagner, 2004, pg. 16)It has become a growing concern for adults who have begun to take note of the correlation between violent games and violent behavior in their children. Cynthia Wagner mentions that Professor Bradley Greenberg did say that, “They are trying to work on a way to incorporate a more educational experience through certain
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