Mccarthyism In America Summary

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Les Arthur class presentation notes on many are the crimes and the second red scare. Many are the crimes ,McCarthyism in America by Ellen Schrecker, is a project that examines how McCarthyism or the second red scare, emerged as the longest period of political repression in American history. Why did this happen? A historian of the era Richard Hofstadter writes in 1963, that nativism, religious fundamentalism, and hatred of the welfare state and United Nations were the ,” deeper historical sources of the great Inquisition.” Schrecker disagrees, she does not see the roots of anti-Communist hysteria within the insecurities and resentments of people who are threatened by social change she argues that,” much of what happened during the McCarthy…show more content…
McCarthy came on the scene. Hearings and investigations occurred in the late 40s. But Schrecker provides a robust detail chronological account the early stages of political repression of the left. Although the author can trace back all the way to the Mayflower compact and otherness of enslaved Africans, Anti-Communism in its modern form begins with the Paris commune of 1870-71, and the great railroad strikes of 1877. But it is the Haymarket tragedy of 1886 where anarchists and a bomb exploded killing police officers that we find the inter connection of local police agencies, robber baron business leaders, cash payoffs to law enforcement officers and the privileging American values of family flag and church as the beginning stages of a network towards the repression of the political left. We do see in the 1930s a Communist Party more Americanized than other scholars indicate. With the Communist Party’s involvement in the civil war in Spain against anti-fascists forces and with helping to unionize in America during the Great Depression the CP according to Schrecker was beginning to build a following, they were on the Scottsboro boys court case in Alabama and soon became the,” unofficial left-wing of the new deal.”” Placing Jefferson Jackson Lincoln alongside Marx Engels and Lenin.…show more content…
They are part of the story in a new text entitled The Second Red Scare: the unmaking of the New Deal Left, by Landon Storrs. Storrs major primary source is the loyalty program implemented on federal employees in an effort to weed out Communists in the government. She examines how this program was actually used to silence many of the early new dealers and to discredit their policies that were used to establish the welfare state, to safeguard and strengthen the economy under capitalism and to end economic inequality. And also as in the case of the project, Many are the crimes, to destroy the
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