Maybe I Felt Like Acting Up

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Mesa Linda Middle School Industrial Technology Mr. Toombs Behavior Essay Date: Student Name: Parent Signature I am writing this essay because my behavior was not appropriate for school. I have been warned that poor behavior could result in serious consequences. This essay is one of the consequences for poor behavior. I need to consider the reasons why I behaved as I did. Perhaps another student provoked me to behave improperly, but I realize I have alternatives. I am the one who was hurt by my behavior and I should not let another person annoy me to the point that I would get myself in trouble. Problems with other students can be avoided by thinking clearly and showing a mature attitude. I also have teachers and counselors who are ready to help if there is a situation I cannot handle alone. I know that many times people who say they are my friends will encourage me to do something that could mean trouble later. I can do my own thinking. Letting my friends push me into inappropriate behavior only means that I care more about what others think than I do about myself as an individual and that I do not have control over my own life. I know what the consequences may be and I must be willing to act responsibly. Perhaps I just let like acting up. Maybe I was in a great mood, maybe an awful mood. Regardless, I let my emotions or my mood get out of control and get me into trouble. I did not take time to think about the consequences. In reality, I know I can control myself and I really cannot blame my behavior on anyone or anything else. Instead of acting out or talking out of turn and doing something that could mean trouble later, I can do my own thinking. Regardless of what I did or why I did it, I apparently bothered someone else. If it was my teacher, I realize that the teacher is here to help me with my education and also

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