Masculine and Feminine in 'Frankenstein'

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“Through Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton, Shelly criticises the masculine qualities and applauds the feminine.” Discuss The novel ‘Frankenstein’ is a traditionally gothic novel and as such contains many conventions of the genre. These conventions include the supernatural, a ‘being’ shown to be rejected by society and many other significant aspects of the genre but most importantly weak women, also known as damsels and victims of the gothic plot and male protagonists who dominate them. Mary Shelley wrote ‘Frankenstein’ in a time period when women were predominantly viewed as submissive, fragile creatures. It is highly possible that this affected the way her characters were written, especially as it meant she was unable to openly write about women as strong, independent humans, nor men as weak and often fallible. The few women that do exist in the novel are ‘idealised’ as a type of perfection of the species. This is countered as the men are displayed as flawed and arguably weak. Caroline and Elizabeth are major examples of this idealisation; there are potentially many reasons for this. This can be seen through an example of Shelley applauding the feminine and criticising the masculine is through the relationship between Victor and his mother. Caroline is shown to be a loving and perfect parent; she is often described as ‘soft and benevolent’. This allows for the criticism of Victor, this is because it highlights the terrible thing he did in abandoning his own ‘child’. His template of relationships which he received from his parents should have allowed him to be loving towards the creature he himself brought into being, his lack of kindness and parental responsibility emphasises the flaws in Victors character. The relationship between Victor and Caroline shows her selflessness in the care of her child by ‘inexhaustible stores of affection from a very mine
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