Making Judgement Calls

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April 26, 2010 Paper #4 MGT 349 Mrs. Gates Making Judgment Calls The article Making Judgment Calls by Noel M. Tichy and Warren G. Bennis, explains what is needed and what needs to be done in order to make good judgments be successful. The article’s frist sentence states that “a leader’s most important role in any organization is making good judgments, in which produce the desired outcomes”. I would have to agree with this statement because being a leader, it is your job to lead and direct others, and be constantly making decisions that don’t only affect you, but so many others lives as well. Although it isnt humanly possible to make the right call every time, but for the most part, effective leaders make a high percentage of successful judgment calls, at the times it counts the most. After a couple surveys were conducted a few facts were found. The first is most of a leader’s important calls reside in one of three domains, these domains consist of people, strategy, or crisis. Making sure you get the right people on your team is crucial. These people need to be able to demonstrate good judgment and make good judgment calls. If the people on your team are unable to do so, the result could end up in a crisis. The second finding was that judgment doesn’t occur in a single moment but grows out of a process. Leaders who regularly demonstrate good judgment aren’t just having a series of good luck. Rather, successful leaders make their calls in the middle of a process that unfolds over “three phases”. These phases include preparation, making the call, and execution. All three phases of the judgment process are what is used to help describe the concept of leadership story line. The first phase of judgment, Preperation, is during which leaders sense and frame the issue that will demand a judgment call, and align their team members so that everyone

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