Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging * ABRSTRACT * The following paper takes a look at the history of imaging and how it has gotten to where it is today. The paper also talks about the many applications MRI’s have served in the world, more specifically in the medical industry. It also follows how imaging will improve as technology advances through the years. The paper states the many positives that have come about from this discovery in the 1960’s. It also compares the MRI to the other types of imaging processes that are used in medical applications as well. * INTRODUCTION * The subject of this research paper is Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the application it has in the diagnosis of medical problems. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI as it has become known, has been around since the first studies were done on humans in 1977. MRI’s help physicians better understand problems that exist in their patients. This paper will talk about the many advantages to imaging technology and how it has helped medicine improve over the years. It will also talk about the future of MRI’s and ways that it can be improved, and how MRI’s work and their function in medical diagnosis. MRI’s take photos of the body by aligning protons up and taking an image of how the protons are lined up, therefore giving the doctor an image of the body. MRI’s provide a contrast of different tissues of the body which make it easier to make out specific parts of the body such as brain, muscle, heart, and cancer cells. Imaging technology has become an integral step in the diagnosis process for physicians throughout the world and with new technology coming out every day the possibilities for advancement is unreal. * BODY * History of Imaging technology * The first ever image of the inside of a human body was taken in 1895 by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen. The image was a picture of the

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