MA3 Trainer's 2000 Word Essay: Rules And Regulations

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MA3 TRAINER 2000 WORD ESSAY RULES AND REGUALTIONS Good (Morning/Afternoon/Evening), my name is MA3 Trainer and I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize on two of all the rules and regulations that are to be followed as members in the United States Navy, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I also would like to stress the importance of not only following these rules, but why, as Master at Arms in the Navy, it is at the highest level of responsibility to enforce such rules to not only set the standard as Naval Personnel, but as representatives of the MA Rating. Enforcing the rules and regulations of the Navy is vital to the operations of the military producing positive outcomes. Without any type of law and order, the job…show more content…
Before I talk about the direct policy on smoking, I thought I would share some facts about tobacco. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among both men and women in the United States. Smoking-related deaths/health issues effect an estimated four hundred and thirty eight thousand American lives each year. Ninety percent of lung cancer deaths among men and eighty percent of lung cancer deaths among women are attributed to smoking. People who smoke are up to six times more likely to suffer a heart attack than nonsmokers, and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. In the United States, approximately thirty eight thousand deaths each year are caused by exposure to second hand smoke. Among current smokers, chronic lung disease accounts for about seventy three percent of smoking-related conditions. Over time, smoking will cause serious health conditions such as: cancer of mouth and gums, tooth loss, and obviously, lung cancer and death. Smoking can result in the loss of medical readiness, which can and will affect your chances to possibly stay in the service. Even among smokers who have quit, chronic lung disease accounts for fifty percent of smoking-related conditions. Cigarette smoking is the most important source of preventable morbidity and death worldwide. The United States Navy gives people the right live in a clean and healthy environment, and everyone should have a choice to live in a building that has clean air, so they can be absolutely smoke free. Smoking costs the Department of the Navy nearly one billion dollars in related health care and productivity loss cost a year, and smoking can be taken into account for most of this. The Department of the Navy has a vision. And that vision is to be

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