Low Birth Rates in Italy and Germany

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LOW BIRTH RATES IN ITALY AND GERMANY VERLINDA SIMS EVEREST UNIVERSITY ONLINE EVS1001_12 LOW BIRTH RATES IN ITALY AND GERMANY What policies would you recommend to these countries, (Italy & Germany) assuming their desire to achieve a sustainable society? The policies that I would recommend for Italy and Germany is to implement a no birth control policy; to ensure that the birth rate rise and also offer incentatives to families that want to work by opening new jobs and offering jobs to low income families first, also Italy and Germany could give families a $2,000 incentative for the first two children born in each household to obtain a sustainable society. The birth rate in Germany and Italy is so low because there are not enough jobs available; and families feel that an extra addition to the family would only cause an even greater financial hardship. If Germany and Italy’s government would allow more tax cuts to working families and give money to single families or joint families to be able to care for an extra addition to the families, I feel the birth rate will rise tremendously. In Germany I would offer the younger or middle age society an incentive bonus policy to encourage the care of the growing elderly population. For example; I would offer each worker that cares for 5 elderly people an extra $400 a week on their paycheck to accommodate the care for the elderly. By doing this it will encourage and help families to work and want to have children, knowing that they can provide and care for them, thus increasing the population and making the birthrate higher. References Wright, R. T., & Boorse, D. F. (2011). The Human Population. In R. T. Wright, & D. F. Boorse, Environmental Science, Toward a Sustainable Future 11e (pp. 192-216). SanFrancisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin
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