Love Marriages Essay

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Love marriage Vs. arranged marriage Arranged marriages are marriages in which a couple is chosen by parents or relatives. Rather than couples themselves. In an arranged marriage a man and a woman are chosen to be married by parents or relatives based on culture, compatibility and upbringing. Sometimes these matches are made as early as birth. (Although today it is illegal to do so).These types of marriages are mostly popular in the southern parts of Asia like, India Pakistan, Afganistan,Bangladesh also found in places as Europe and middle east. Arranged marriages are occurring in these parts of the world since many years and it’s hard to change because of all the side influence. And in these parts of the world it is believed that the parents know what is best for their child and think it’s also true cause they have lived in this world a little longer than we have so it makes sense for them to know the good and the bad of the word. Although these marriages are viewed negatively in the western society because of the lack of human rights, they statistically have higher rate of success. As stated in an article what it is for you arranged or love? By Pamela, One of the usual question she always asked “HOW CAN YOU MARRY SOMEONE YOU DON’T KNOW? Knowing someone before marriage allows your partners to have respect and understanding for each other, their needs, their desires. This way they can adjust better in a marriage. These are some typical arguments in the western point of view. But if you look at it carefully do you think it’s really true? According to,cause there are 59.7% divorce rates in the United States alone. However today in the modernized society arranged marriages happen only if both the sides of the family including the couple to be married are in the agreement. Most arranged marriages do not trigger a negative reaction
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