Loblaw Environmental Issues

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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN MARKETING NATIONAL POLLUTION PREVENTION CENTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Annotated Bibliography of Marketing Sources This bibliography contains annotations for selected Resource List materials. Books and articles were annotated by Vanderbilt University research staff under the direction of Associate Professor Mark Cohen; annotations of case studies were written by their publishers. Bracketed letters indicate the corresponding topic in the Resource List: A. Introductory Readings and Books B. Product Manufacturing and Packaging C. Attitudes, Perception, Willingness-to-Pay, and Green Consumers D. Advertising and Green Marketing Trends E. Strategic Management and How to Market Green Products F. Environmental Marketing…show more content…
President’s Choice G.R.E.E.N.: Something Can Be Done. 1990. Case 9-590-051. [E] Loblaw, Canada’s largest food distributor, has launched the 100-product G.R.E.E.N. line. It now faces strategic decisions on how best to capitalize on its early, successful entry into green marketing. Initial indications were that the line would be extraordinarily successful with Canadian consumers. The company now has to decide whether and how to enter U.S. markets, whether to heighten its environmental profile through promotion of Canadian leadership in environmental stewardship, and how to make Loblaw a more profitable organization by capitalizing on this leadership role. x———. Xerox: Design for the Environment. 1994. Case 9-794-022, Teaching Note 5-795-084. [B] In 1990, Xerox undertook an “Environmental Leadership Program” designed to make Xerox an industry leader in non-polluting operations, recycling, and products actually designed for the environment. This effort flowed naturally out of the system of total quality management developed at Xerox in the 1980s. Under the new program, Xerox planned to design its products for complete reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling. This effort entailed a complete redesign of the company’s product-delivery system, from initial designs and materials acquisition to manufacturing, marketing, and after-sales service. Howett, Ciannat. “The ‘Green Labeling’ Phenomenon: Problems and Trends in the Regulation of Environmental Product Claims.” Virginia Environmental Law Journal 11, no. 3 (Spring 1992): 401–461. [F] Comprehensive review of different U.S. government regulatory and voluntary industry approaches to deal with false or misleading environmental marketing claims. Includes comparison with Canadian and European approaches. This law journal note is welldocumented and contains much useful information beyond its legal analysis. xInternational Institute for Management Development. Consumer Packaged Goods in Europe, 1993: Insights Into the
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