Living in an Amish Society

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Aliyeva Tubu Balanced Essay 02.11.2014 Living in an Amish Society The Amish resided in the eighteen states of USA and they are known for their simple life. The Amish prefer to live with their labor and without help of technological conveniences. They have strong family and community bonds. Moreover, the Amish are very pious people and they are closely connected with their church. Most people support the view that The Amish have a modest life that is full of happiness, on the other hand they have to live under the unbreakable rules and depend only on their Amish society. First, as a result of their piety they are strongly dependent on their church. As they have strong church rules, The Amish should live under the control of their religion. For example, they cannot marry a person from outside world. If they break this church rule, they have to leave the community and lose their contacts with their family and friends. The Amish have a choice to leave their community before baptism. In spite of the fact that they have rights to leave, they will not be able to join the community again. Statistics shows that, 80% of the community choose to stay in the community, because they can’t be sure if they will succeed or not in the outside world. In addition, the Amish children study only till the eighth grade, so level of education inside the society is very low. Because of the lack of education it is easier for them to live a simple life in the community than joining the modern life. If the Amish choose to stay in the community, they should depend on their society until the end of their life. Second, The Amish has strong and unbreakable rules called Ordnung. It is a set of rules that all members of the Amish communities have to obey. According to Ordnung each member of the society has to live simple life
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