Live Life to the Fullest

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In his work “Walden; or Life in the Woods” Henry David Thoreau speculates on the topic “Live life to the fullest”. This topic is important because our time is limited, so no one wants to waste it living someone else’s life. That is why it is important not to let the opinions and thoughts of others influence our own inner voice; and to have the courage to follow our own heart and intuition because they somehow already know what we really want to be. The topic is also relevant because more and more people ask themselves how they feel about their own lives; whether they have lived the day to the fullest; whether they like what they do; whether this is the best possible life they could have. If the answer to any of those questions is no/maybe/not sure, it means that a person is living an incomplete life, which is wrong because only that person him(her)self is the creator of his(her) own happiness. So why should (s)he waste time on something worse when (s)he deserves the best? In the analyzed abstract we see that the author wants to get the most from his life and to live it to the fullest extent possible first of all by determining what is really important to him. In order to achieve this he decides to remove himself from what we consider to be normal ordinary life, and goes to live in the woods. He states that he will live a simple life without spending time and money on things he does not need, and thus reducing his economic needs. Besides, he wants to rest spiritually, not having to follow any religions, rituals or traditions. In the text the author uses long and complex paragraphs and sentences which often makes them difficult to follow and understand. Besides, he uses allusions (Ulysses), metaphors (time is but the stream), oxymorons (bottom of the sky, pebbly with stars), irony (be thrown off the track by mosquito’s wing), hyperbole (terrible rapid and whirlpool),
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