Listo Sytems Essay

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Case Study 4 Listo Systems 1. Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 1: Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Establishing, Refining, or Monitoring? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. I think refining is the most appropriate response in this scenario. The vision and mission have already been established for Listo sytsem. However, the lack of employee training due to the rapid growth of the company and high turnover rate has resulted in low production and poor quality. Refining the company by using the ACHIEVE model to motivate employees is one of the theories that can be used to help the Vision to Performance. Managers need to know what motivates people in their organization. ACHIEVE is a seven letter word that is synonymous with “to perform”. Ability, Clarity, Help, Incentive, Evaluation, Validity, and Environment. (Hershey, Blanchard, Johnson, 2008). Ensuring adequate training is received by all, allowing individuals of to provide feedback and feel like they are part of the “team”, and offering quality production incentives can be implemented to help keep the turnover rate down and increase the production and quality of performance are some of the changes that can help management meet organizational goals. 2. Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 2: Entity (Culture) and Strategy (Mission). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Defining, Shaping, or Publicizing? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. In this scenario I feel that shaping is the best response. Listo Systems has a good vision and mission statement but they have left the staff and leadership out of them. They need to be brought back into the organization to make
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