Limitation of Children Allowed to Be Born Into Families Accepting Aid

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Government assistance designed to help the working or out of work American has become a form of income to some families. This misuse of these programs is infuriating. As fellow Americans and tax payers this is terrifying. The thought of someone who cannot afford children they already have becoming pregnant and having more children they cannot afford is unbearable. Some of these programs are SNAP(food stamps), government provided health care, utility assistance, and even checks from the government to help pay for your children. These are government expenses that could be reduced because they are often times abused in modern society. Limitation on having more children will cut government spending, reduce children born into low quality situations, and reduce teenage pregnancy chains. Government programs, such as food assistance and health care, can be very expensive, especially when more people are receiving it then paying taxes to fund them. Children of families that receive government assistance are more likely to have children as teenagers and are in turn are more likely to receive more government assistance because they are not financially stable. The families can’t afford the people they already have in their family, so having more children interferes with their current children’s rights, tax payers’ rights, and the rights of future children brought into this socioeconomic class. It takes away the children’s right to quality experiences and proper parenting. Proper parenting is in no way saying that these people are bad parents, however, they are not setting a good example if they are not thinking about the financial well-being of their family. These government costs could be greatly reduced by distributing birth control to all men and women at no cost to them. Think about it; which is cheaper, feeding and taking care of thousands of children for their whole
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